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2023-06-05 09:59:46

1. 请听出所缺单词和句子,多次反复听。中间可以暂停啊!

More significant still is the ____________________________________________.
They have fallen _______ since the 1980s and _______ close to ______ lows.

And that ________ all sorts of other asset prices.

A widespread ______ is that the Fed and its peers have ______ distorted ____ markets and, __________________, the price of all assets.

Warren Buffett, _________________________ of Ben Graham, said this week that stocks would look cheap in three years' time if interest rates were one percentage-point higher, but not if they were _____________________ higher.

But if interest rates and __________________________________, inflation would take off - and puzzlingly it hasn't.

2. 这是本篇全文以及中文对照.请反复朗读,直到熟练。尽可能背诵几句。

More significant still is the behaviour of long-term interest rates.

They have fallen steadily since the 1980s and remain close to historic lows.

And that underpins all sorts of other asset prices.

A widespread concern is that the Fed and its peers have grossly distorted bond markets and, by extension, the price of all assets.

Warren Buffett, the most famous disciple of Ben Graham, said this week that stocks would look cheap in three years' time if interest rates were one percentage-point higher, but not if they were three percentage points higher.

But if interest rates and bond yields were unjustifiably low, inflation would take off - and puzzlingly it hasn't.


3. 请记住以下词汇.每日坚持不懈!

underpin [ʌndə'pɪn] v.支持

asset ['æset] n.资产

Fed abbr. 联邦储备局(the Federal Reserve System)

grossly ['grəusli]adv. 很;非常

distort [dɪ'stɔːt] vt. 扭曲;使失真;曲解

bond [bɒnd]n. 债券

by extension相关地

disciple [dɪ'saɪp(ə)l]n. 门徒

yield[jiːld]n. 产量;收益

unjustifiably [ʌn'dʒʌstifaiəbli]adv. 无理地

inflation [ɪn'fleɪʃ(ə)n]n. 膨胀;通货膨胀

4. 背个句子

A widespread concern is that the Fed and its peers have grossly distorted bond markets and, by extension, the price of all assets.
